Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Education Civil Rights Alliance?

The Education Civil Rights (ECR) Alliance believes schools should serve, educate, empower and be safe for all students. We act on that belief by providing model resources so agencies can protect students, and by taking legal action when they fail in that duty. We are a diverse and growing alliance of educators, community groups, organizers, professional associations, civil rights organizations and government agencies with extensive experience in, and commitment to, protecting students’ civil rights.


Why was the Alliance formed?

The ECR Alliance formed because of the urgency to protect students’ civil rights in the face of growing attacks around the country.


I think my child’s rights are being violated. What should I do?

Learn more about your child’s rights and how you can fight back from the resources we’ve compiled.


Can the Alliance help my organization litigate a civil rights case?

Yes. The Alliance is here to help bring legal action against education organizations, school districts, and state, local and federal agencies who fail to meet their responsibilities and violate the law.


Where does the Alliance operate?

The Alliance is a national effort. We are identifying specific states where we will dedicate our initial resources. These states will be announced in the coming months.


How can my organization join the Alliance?

Membership in the Alliance is limited to organizations or agencies that are committed to protecting the civil rights of all students. Organizations interested in joining are approved by the ECR Alliance Steering Committee. Contact us if your organization would like to apply for membership.


How do I learn more about the Alliance?

Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates on our work.